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FIFA: The can of worms that has been opened

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On May 27, the hotel Baur au Lac in Zurich was raided by the USA led FBI team, looking into bribery, racketeering and money-laundering among Fifa members. The members were all at the hotel with the upcoming Fifa Presidential Election between current President Sepp Blatter and opposition Prince Ali Bin Al-Hussein of Jordan due to take place.

Of the 14 members at the hotel that the FBI had targeted, seven were arrested. President of CONCACAF, the football organisation of the Americas, Jeffrey Webb was arrested in connection with the investigation, along with Eduardo Li and Eugenio Figueredo who were sitting members of the Fifa executive committee.

The seven officials are expected to be extradited to the US, and are accused of receiving over $150 million in bribes.


corruption fifa Sepp Blatter uefa

About Dale Ventham

Dale Ventham is an editor at The Sports Lowdown. He writes on the lower leagues of English football and Speedway in particular.

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