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The Promotion Shopping List

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So you’ve just guided your club to the golden chalice of football, the Premier League. A holiday to Marbella is booked and your feet are up at the office. Or are they?

These days you don’t get that chance, if you’re a promoted boss and come the end of May all hell drops down on you and the fear sinks in. What do I need to improve? Who’s contract is up? Spurs are looking at our star youngster? A bid has come in from a rival? Fetch me a brew Doris it’s gonna be a long day!

As soon as the season is finished, the transfer roundabout begins. Clubs are straight in for the strongest of players and sometimes that can include yours. But natural progression still has to begin.

As a promoted boss you’ve got to look to strengthen your side. These days, if you go up to the top division and don’t improve correctly then just like QPR or Burnley this year, you’re coming back down and you’ve lost your job in March.

Below is a list that most managers will have on their desk when you’ve just been promoted. A few key aspects into what a team should look to if they want to survive the dreaded first season in the Prem.

An experienced goalkeeper is always a good start. Even if you have one of the best young prospect in the Nation, there’s room for improvement. This goalkeeper may be no more than a bench warmer and a cup player but it’s his experience on the training pitch and his knowledge of the players in the league that will help you the most.

There’s nothing better than having that guy in the changing room who knows all and has seen more in the league than you will all season and he’s been in the best seat to watch it! He’s a vital asset to your club and will help break in the whole team in to the new season.

Next on the list is another experienced player, a centre back. You’ve got them yes, clearly a few good ones because you’ve been promoted! But have you got one that has faced the likes of Aguero and lived to tell the tale? Probably not!

He doesn’t have to be old, he doesn’t have to be grey! But he needs to be clever! You want someone who can get his way out of tough spaces quickly and can dictate play from inside your half. Long balls aren’t the best policy but if he has a good eye for them and you’ve got someone who can get there quick enough, you’re onto a winner! Plus, they can always chip in with a goal or two from corners or a last minute chance that will sure fire win someone a lot of money for an anytime goal scorer. The fans will thank you in the end.

Football is a possession game these days. If you can have a creative midfielder in the mix then you can control the game. Cambiasso this year was vital to Leicester even having a chance this year. Smart and with a range of passes this is how you will grab a lot of your goals. He’s there when you need him and if you’re in a real tight spot, he can turn on a sixpence and set up a good chance.

Although you may already have one or two, there’s no problem with shopping around. There are always bargains that become available and now is the time to take a chance and snap him up. Wherever you are, whatever time it is there’s always a good chance there is a contract dispute going on at some club. Go get him!

Next is a tricky winger, oh aren’t they a joy to watch? With ageing full backs in the league you have a need for speed. He doesn’t have to be English, you don’t even have to speak the same language. Just tell him to bomb down the wing and watch the magic happen.

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If you watch the good teams who survive they all have that player. Look at Crystal Palace and they’re magnificent trio of wingers. Wouldn’t you love to see Bolasie or Zaha bomb down your wing? Of course you would! A lot of teams use a tricky winger to get out of jail on many occasions and in your first season that’s what you’re going to need. If you can add a winger to your side the fans will adore you.

Last on the list is an experienced Premiership striker. Yes they may be hard to come by but bringing in someone from abroad hardly ever works.

If you want a strong season then they are worth the money you’re going to pay. If they can chip in with 10-15 goals then you’re a happy man. Experience in that league is a very big aspect. You’re young lad may have finished top scorer but you need someone next to him to provide the smarts in this league.

If you can fulfil this list then there’s a good chance you will finish outside of the relegation zone and be lauded as a top boss and a very big wage increase. Next time Doris will be bringing you a triple macchiato with whipped cream and it’ll be smiles all round. Until that transfer request come in… Oops!

burnley Esteban Cambiasso Promotion qpr Shopping Survival

About Ryan Ingham

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